Online tool for LCA in the early design phase

With LCAlive, you can easily estimate the CO2 impact of a building design in the early design phase.
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Start a new project by clicking on “New project”

Define your building

LCAlive generates a building model

Choose your constructions from a construction library

When the model is filled with constructions, the project’s results are generated

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About LCAlive

The tool generates a model that can be used to explore different solutions and their CO2emission in the early design

The construction library is based on best practice cases and specific products.

The library is continuously updated.

The tool focuses on climate impact and shows building related emissions in kg CO2-eq

Results displayed::

kg CO2 eq. / m²/ year

kg CO2 eq. / person / year

kg CO2 eq./ m²/ year in relation to Reduction Roadmap

Hotspot analysis og building parts and constructions

Compares your project with best practice hotspots


Connect your device to the internet in order to use LCAlive The first version of LCAlive supports three residential building types Create an LCA template for your project by entering limited essential information Edit the template by choosing constructions and materials from the library Watch emissions live while editing your building Export to LCAbyg to detail and document further